It all begins with an idea.
I’m an impulsive person. I often don’t think things through to the end because I am so excited by the beginning. I get an idea and run headlong at it, guns blazing, without ever thinking what the outcome of my decision may be. Because of this, I have had to be creative my whole life.
If I’m having one kid, why not have four? I already have a cat. Why not get another cat and three dogs? I love Yoga, so why not teach Yoga overseas in a country where I don’t speak the language? It goes on and on from there. I do sometimes feel like a monkey chasing its tail, trying to keep up with myself!
I can also justify just about anything. I love to embroider, weave, quilt, sew, knit, crochet, write, draw and paint. In order to justify spending time doing all of the above, I decided to teach creative kids classes. I needed an audience on my level who wouldn’t judge me for having more enthusiasm than skill, and guess what? It turns out I found my people! And their parents were my people, and they led me to more people and so on and so on, and here I am! I'm subjecting you to my overenthusiastic obsession with stitching and all things creative.
So strap in, and subscribe to my slightly insane newsletter (below). Take a class or two, maybe watch a video or four to get inspiration for your next project but most of all…Have fun!